Kitchen Witch Magic Sauerkraut Recipe
Fermentation is fascinating, it's like a superpower that our ancestors discovered to make food last longer and taste better. And fermented foods fill our guts with friendly probiotic bacteria that help us stay healthy and happy. You can get probiotics from supplements and yogurts, but studies have shown raw sauerkraut to be at the top of the list far surpassing the bacteria counts for probiotic supplements. Just 2 oz. of raw sauerkraut has as many probiotics as 100 supplement tablets! But make sure it's raw, because many store-bought varieties are pasteurized which kills most of the beneficial bacteria.
Probiotics are kind of a big deal. They affect everything from your immune system to your mood. More and more studies show that the balance or imbalance of bacteria in your digestive system is linked to overall health and disease. Basically, probiotics are like microscopic fairies that bring a little magic to our insides keeping us in good health. If you're not already familiar with probiotics, I encourage you to do more research, be sure to bookmark this page because you'll probably want to start making some of these recipes afterwards.
Magic Probiotic Sauerkraut Recipe
Preparation time is about 30 minutes
Recipe makes about a quart.
Fermentation time depends on room temperature – typically 14 days
Glass Mason Jar with lid
Weights or another smaller jar filled with water that will fit inside the main jar
Large bowl
1 Fresh Cabbage – you'll want the freshest cabbage possible, or better yet, my fellow garden witches – pick it fresh from your garden! (Any color will do, I prefer bright red or purple, as it looks amazing!)
2 TB. Ancient Fine Sea Salt – or if you only have coarse salt, this is your chance to use that mortar and pestle! I love to use the organic Himalayan pink salt for the flavor.
Step 1: Wash the jar(s) (and hands!) in hot soapy water. Start with a clean cutting board and knife.
Step 2. Remove the outer leaves and core the cabbage. Slice it into quarters and cut the cabbage into thin ribbons and place them into the large bowl.
3. Sprinkle the salt, set your intentions and get ready for the fun part... using your hands and with much energy, vigorously squeeze and knead the mixture for about 10 minutes until the cabbage starts to release its life blood – I mean liquid – this is the brine that will be poured into the jar with the cabbage ribbons.
4. And now for my favorite part! Use your hands to tightly pack the cabbage into your jar. There is a special tool for this, but it's fun to use your fist to mash it all down. Make sure there are no lonely straggler ribbons attached to the top or upper part of the jar. Pour the liquid into the jar and add water if it doesn't quite cover all of the cabbage. Use a knife to stab any air bubbles that may be there and let it relax for a couple hours. Revisit it and smoosh the cabbage down again.
5. Use glass weights, or a smaller jar to keep all the cabbage covered in liquid. I prefer the weights with the little built in handle. Our ancestors most likely used rocks, so if you have any special crystals you'd like to use... this really kicks it up a notch! Just make sure they're foodsafe, clean with hot, soapy water and will not react with the salt water. If you're not going with the kit below that has the airlock lids, use a rubber band to secure a clean cloth over the lid. The benefit of the airlock lids is that it allows the gas to escape and minimizes the chances of any mold growth.
6. Set it in a safe place and watch the magic of fermentation happen! Fermentation begins within the first 24 hours and depending on the room temperature, is ready in about 2 weeks. For fun, you can taste it after week 1 and if you like how it tastes, then that's the time for you to stop/slow the fermentation by putting it in the fridge. Make sure all the cabbage is tucked in safely under the brine. You may see bubbles or white foam/mold which is a natural part of the fermentation and can be scraped off. However, if you see black mold, it's best to start over.
It will keep in the fridge for 6 months or more and makes a lovely addition to sandwitches, soups, salads or I personally like to take a forkful (when I remember!) every day to keep those gut fairies happy. Be a good kitchen witch and be sure to label the jar with the date and any magic symbols that your heart desires.